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Electrical model, CNC parts processing precision is high

Updated time  2010-01-04 18:04 read

Before the rise, the development of many products was not as convenient as it is today. We know that it takes a lot of money to invest in mold opening and production. If there is a mistake, the loss will be huge. Now with the professional service, as long as there are 3D processing drawings, everything becomes very simple.

For example, before mass production of electrical products, we usually find a supplier to do CNC parts processing, and make a model first, so that we can test the accuracy of product design and whether it meets the function of use. If there is no problem, the precision machinery parts processing factory can start mass production to avoid unnecessary losses.

However, the electrical models produced by general precision machinery parts processing factories have great differences in accuracy, especially high precision is difficult to achieve. Last week, an old customer introduced Mr. zhou to SR  discuss cooperation. The other party wants to process CNC parts for electrical products. And we have very rich experience in this area, and there are many customer cases, and we have already understood the requirements of electrical products.

SR adopts CNC parts processing, which can greatly reduce the number of tooling, even for complex shapes, no complicated tooling is needed, and the processing stroke of our equipment reaches 2000MM. Over the past 10 years since our establishment, we have far surpassed the general counterparts in the precision, appearance and quality of mechanical parts processing, and can provide customers with one-stop service.

In the eyes of many old customers, SR is a good partner. It can provide all kinds of electrical CNC parts processing services that customers want, and the results are very good! If you are also interested, you can contact our customer service.